Lots o' folks have been stopping by to say hi. Thanks, that's cool. Just in from Arliegh over at 650bdotcom, there will be Pacenti Quasi Moto tires this summer! That is radical. Word on the street is that Kenda will also be showing some 650b rubber of their own in a week at the Taipei show.
This past weekend in my travels, a highlight was having coffee, then dinner than beers at Moat Mountain Brewery with Carl from Vicious Cycles and Jeff and Karl from the Dirt Rag. It's always nice when your heros/influences become your peers and you can quaff IPAs together. Thanks dudes!
In other news, the State of Wisconsin is on suicide watch after Brett Favre retired yesterday. Folks, it was a good run and we'll always have the good times. As my man Hayden says, Aaron Rodgers better get started on his mustache for this fall. #4 is one of those guys you either love him, or you hate him. I love the guy cuz he can take a hit and then joke with the guy that just popped him. Oh, and he is the type of guy that wasn't afraid to say, hey I'm addicted to drugs and booze, and I'm sorry. Then he moved on and played another 10 years of great football. I can think of some folks that could take a lesson from that.
And finally, a hearty thanks goes out to Democratic voters in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. You guys are assholes. I never use this blog for politcal pandering, but c'mon...
* Updated, at the request of a reader, Thanks to the rural democratic voters of the aforementioned states. I promise the black man won't hurt you. The white woman however, will.
You should change that to say "...goes out to all the RURAL Democratic voters in..."
Everybody here in Austin voted for Obama. Same with every other major metropolitan area.
Hillary just works for the rural country folk.
Thanks for writing, and I figured that folks in Austin weren't fooled. sorry to lump ya'll together. Either way, listening to her gloat this morn was brutal.
No offense taken AT ALL. My skin is very thick.
I just found it interesting last night to see the map and how it laid out the voters by area. All rural and minority areas went to Hillary.
Can you imagine the Clinton/Obama ticket they're talking about? That is crazy.
dan -
thanks for the link! I'm pretty stoked about the tires. A pair came in my mail shortly after I posted Kirks info. There should be a ride report by this weekend!
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