Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Reading Assignment

I've stumbled across a few things that I've read the last few days that I'd like to share and/or recommend to you:

The first is an article from Oregon Business Magazine on the Portland Bicycle Industrial Complex. Great article that re-affirms our choice to move here. I found that article on bikeportland.org.

The second article is from trackosaurusrex, the leading blog on things fixed. It is about Freeman Transport. Excellent words and photos. I've certainly got my eye on those guys...
Also on tracko, I saw pictures of Mike Giants bike that 4130 traded for some MG artwork for a headbadge...sweet deal all around.

Me, well EO and I spent the afternoon riding around to shops here in Portland introducing ourselves and seeing what there is out there. You know what, there is a lot.

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